Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nexus4 paranoma

Finally decided to buy Nexus4, even though it is from LG and didn't had good reviews of batteries, but thought of going ahead with it as I waned phone with stock Android OS.

Clicked this from the new phone in the Apartment patio.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Published my first android app

After staying on the sideline many years, I finally pushed my first Android app today in the google play (android market place).

This app is for teaching kids the car logos.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In Elcamino Mt View

Walking with Anju in hospital ... Yash is sleeping at home, Ajay pajji at home with Yash.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy b'day to delicious

Today delicious finished its third year, I was part of b'day bash organized by y! in there HQ in Sunnyvale, CA.

More photo's of this event are here.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Three black days for India from 9-11july 2006

9 july) Agni III failure, well not really a sadness to me honestly as there is no urgency for it I believe.
10 july) Really much awaited Insat 4c launch failure. It was really shockingly sad as there are very less failure in Indias space programs, one of reason also being that they really move slowly and use quite tested technology.
11 july) Bomb blast in mumbai and that too on Mumbai's backbone(Mumbai local railway). This one really made me sad, But from this point one can imagine the pain of people there only, and these was series of 7 blasts occured between 10 minutes to put the complete system in total chaos and I agree that they succeed but good step govt. took and shutted down the cellular communication as it is pretty obvious how confusion and anger spread using phone lines and it result in nothing but more chaos and troubles in city.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Trying to focus back on PRS

This time weekend stretched more than usual 2 days and I had more than enough time even after seeing all new latest releases and my usual blog doses so decided to catch up something with PRS, From long time I wanted to modify script which we give to user and put there link of PRS, so that users know its source.
As usual test bed was Rav's blog. And Ravneet also played his role as usual and he cripped about more features and again told me Nth time how much he want to work on CSS theme for PRS.
Anyway summary is, I think 2 most wanted features in PRS are:
-> Atleast some detailed information about who rated URL, currently no such information is stored at all, I created meta-data and basic infrastructure to make this feature today morning while travelling to SFO downtown in caltrain and than back home after work in evening in bart.

-> Comments, it is big deal, adding this feature in big sites is real big stuff and months project, as there are dozens of issues namely filtering, etc even I meet few people who made companies for helping big corporate implement user comment on there site. But well, PRS I can add in by next weekend I guess.
Lets see they come up or no, they won't be polished to start with for sure...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

CNN videos, only for elite systems?

It is really amazing in web2.0 world there are still some companies like CNN who hardly gives a dam that how easy or how hard it is for viewers to view there rich content online,
Following is the list of things I have tried to make it work, but no lucks
--> Upgraded to IE7 beta2 from beta1
--> Downgraded from IE7 beta2 to IE6
--> Installed all the latest patch from m$
--> Added to my trusted site in IE, and made security level to lowest possible level in IE
--> Installed Sea Monkey mozilla suite, as after some debugging I came to know that ther might be some flash 8 related bug on there page.
--> In firefox tried adding cnn as trusted site, this went little interesting as there is no option in gui so you need to modify couple of js files for it, at this point I thought I should write a XPI for firefox to give users a way to add trusted site in Firefox too, than I discovered that someone in Japan had already made it for me :)
--> Tried modified using grease monkey the cnn website, but hardly any luck, I think I didn't tried this with full heart here.
--> On few forums some geeks suggested to try playing with options in WMP, I did that too, removed that famous UDP option, but still big no.
--> Last attempt I made is to degrade back to WMP9.0 from WMP10, and guess what, still no :)

I am officially giving up on CNN now, and going on ABC news , And yes for records it is only and only cnn videos which I am having trouble with and everything else including mac-pc ads on sites, everything works smoothly.
if you know of sometrip, than well, I'll drop you personal email thanking you :)

UPDATE: Somehow update to WMP11beta made it work

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Google follows y! and other startup with there bookmark service

Recently google toolbar incorporated bookmarks feature, one can use it without google toolbar too using
Usuability looks really neat too me, far more better than yahoo, Indeed delicious power users can also consider switching because it comes without great tools like searching, etc apart from neat google toolbar integration.
For downloading latest google toolbar go here

Monday, February 27, 2006

Agile Web development with Rails : Rocks

It is being more than 3 months I am using RoR and till now I was solving all the problems using public forums/google/RoR irc channel on freenode but since(2 weeks) I got this book "Agile web development with rails" and now around 70% of problems are solved by simple search in this book, Dave and David has done excellent job, real must for anyone who plans to adopt RoR(RoR culture :-) ).

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

how to use javascript in script src attribute

Recently I faced a strange problem in javascript, I wanted to pass window.location.href in javascript src tag, but In javascript following holds true

Following is the quick hack which can be used for it

<script type='text/javascript'>
var pid = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
var jis='http://somehost&u='+pid;
document.writeln("<script type='text\/javascript' src="+jis+"><\/script>");

Sunday, January 15, 2006

PHP is going to catch soon on rails

Zend which is company behind php is in process of developing framework named "Zend Framework" which is surely inspired from rails, I just finished listening to there webcast, and though it looks like rails but surely it contains alot more than rails obviously because zend is collaborating with lot of companies and this time they will come like big bang as they will have complete ecosystem, like proper doc,IDE(yes), proper samples,etc,etc though one can argue that most of these things rails already have, But given a choice I would surely go for php framework simply because php is not only fast but very easily portable, I can configure mod_php in 10 minutes but I couldn't configure rails with apache2 using fcgi even in 2 full days :-).


Thursday, January 12, 2006

RollingOnRails: Possible to use RJS to send dynamic JavaScript to client?

I am try'g to figure out some easy way in rails for flushg user specific(generated diff for each client, actually jst some variable value changes)Javascript to browser

Following is what I have tried
1) Client requests javascript by
script src="http://perfecthost/model/getjs/213j5sxfsaj23523"
On server side I need to change 3 variable values bfore I flush JS to client, now since rhtml dnt understand JS content type, I am left with newly introduced RJS

2) Since RJS templates is not yet in Rails 1.0 i have installed this plugin from Fausr site simply using following
script\plugin install

3) Now I copied all the JS code in getjs.rjs,

4)Now I get error say'g template not found.
Seems like I have tell controller tht I am using RJS template?and few other things?

Any1 can point to the sample? Sample given here really don't help !
Just to make things lil more tougher plugins page has gone under maintenance, I hope it will come-up by morning...


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

RollingOnRails: How to use link_to when call ctx is out of client ctx

here is the problem scenario
Client do a signup --> Controller do validations, if successful, say "thanks" to client, so I take it as client ctx is closed, now I need to send email to client asking for email verification, so jst after sending "thanks" to client, I call another models (but uses same DB table as caller)API Notifier::deliver_signup_thanks
Now this api is mapped to a RHTML file, which contains following link
Now for generating above link, I want to use link_to thus avoid hardcoding hostname in rhtml, but link_to fails here say'g url_for not found.

Currently only way I see to solve this issue is to use environment variable wherever we need to specify hostname, but I just wanna find what is the best approach for this?

